• How do I know which kind of driveway stone I need?

Call our dispatcher and we will explain the different options of stone to best suit your needs. Generally the #53 stone (limestone dust up to 1 1/2 inch stone) is the best base for private driveways. The limestone dust helps it to pack down for an even surface.  The #8 stone (1/2 to 1 inch stone) is the most popular choice for a top coat stone.

an example of what #53 stone looks like after the limestone dust packs down and forms a good base


  • Will your company spread the stone?

Yes, as long as you don’t have any overhead power lines or trees, our drivers will do a “tailgate spread” of the stone.  This is a courtesy provided by Brookfield.

  • How do I know how much stone I need?

Call our dispatcher and we will calculate up the amount you need.

  • Do you provide sand for under swimming pools?

Yes!  We offer a perfect sand for under your new pool.  Local pool companies actually refer their customers to us for our superior sand.

  • My horses’ are standing in MUD!!  Can you provide a suitable base for my “dry lot?”

Yes, we offer stone, Ag Lime, compactible dirt and sand – depending on your situation.  We also do site work, and will be glad to come out to your property to give you a quote.

  • We have a tiny area where we want to put in 1 parking space.  I am afraid a big dump truck won’t fit..

We have a small single axle truck that can haul approximately 8 tons (a triaxle truck hold about 20 tons).  Just be sure to request the single-axle when you place your order.